Unity Tutorial 4

Today I've completed Unity Tutorial 4 which was the final tutorial for the game I started doing in last weeks tutorial.The game was about a farmer which was throwing food a at animals which were running at him.During the time I was working on this game I learned how to make objects disappear when it moves out from the gaming area and also how to make spawn objects at random in certain time period.I also did Challenge 2 which is a practise work based on what we learned in Unity tutorial 4.I found this challenge pretty hard because there was a lat of things that I had to fix and also I found it very time consuming but eventually I completed challenge 2 successfully and I realised that I need to learn a lot more in order to be more confident with C#script.But overall I found Tutorial 4 and challenge 2 very interesting and I learned a lot from them which will help me with working on my own game. ...