Unity Tutorial


Today I completed three unity lessons which I found very interesting and new to me.When I started going trough the first lesson everything was going very well I opened Unity 3D created a new project and began to create my first ever game while going through the lessons I was completing task by task until I accidently pressed something and my panel bar has disappeared that was my first difficulty I faced  in learning Unity 3D and creating a game. In order to solve the problem, I close the app and opened it again, but the problem was still there after multiple things I tried I decided to ask my lecture for a help, and he helped me with the solution for my problem. After solving the problem, I got even more comfortable with Unity 3D which was a good lesson for me which helped me to gain more experience and use the tool even more confident. My second and third lessons went really well I learned how to create C sharp script in Visual Studio which helped my game come to life which was very interesting to watch. Overall I really enjoyed  watching the lessons and creating my first little game I think it was a great start and I’m looking forward to do more lessons and learn more things about gaming and Unity 3D


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