Unity Tutorial 5
Hi Everyone!
Today I've completed Unity Tutorial were we had to make a little endless running game with a character that jumps over the obstacles and a background that we had to pick the process of creating this game was very interesting and very informative because this is kinda similar to the game I will be making so I found it very helpful and also learned new things that I will be able to implement in to my own game.I did three lessons in the first lesson I got stuck because my obstacles wouldn't appear and I had to go over the code again to find were I made an mistake and when I found it I was surprised how easy crash you game by putting code into a wrong section of the code.Second and Third lessons went pretty good as I concentrated and didn't make any more of mistakes.After finishing the lesson I started to understand and be even more confident with the code and Unity in general.Im looking forward to finish the game fully and learn more and more things that will help me to build my own game.
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