"Review Week Comments and Feedback"
Comments that we have been writing for each other on the project and our game design and ideas in my opinion were really helpful.They help us to understand what other people think about the game we are creating and our blog in general.From reading comments I personally took a lot of advise from people that were commenting on my blog and my game idea which was really helpful.From the comments I was observing what people think about my game and a blog and those little things really helped me to improve my game and a blog as I was going along working on my blog.
When I was writing comments for other people I was trying to be as constructive as possible in order to provide really helping advise for the persons blog that I've been doing.Somethimes my comment were similar to what I was writing before and were not always helpful but even when they weren't really helpful I was still trying to say what I like and what is good or bad about their blog.And also when I was analysing others people writing I was getting some very good ideas form own comment or how I can improve my feedback.
Also by writing comments it helped us to find out few things about each other and our interests and hobbies.For example when we were commenting on each others Introduction I think it really helps all of us to get each other better.
Overall I think comments is a great thing in our blog and I'm really happy with the way we are doing them and helping each other but there is one thing that I would change I think there is to much comments to do weekly I think if the amount was decreased it will be a lot easier to comment and less blogs but do the better with more details to the blog.
Great work on the blog. Keep it up !