First Playable

 Today I did a lot of work in my game mostly with the code.Last week I downloaded all the assets that I needed for my game and I have also created a background for my game.This week I started working with the code in order to get my player moving in my case up and down and forward in order to avoid obstacles.So far I have background ready and now my player is moving I also have obstacles added to my game.The things that I have found difficult today was to get my player moving and not be flying away from my game.In order to avoid my player flying away from the map I added some box colliders which stoped my player from going away I also added Rigedbody to my player in order to add gravity and physics in to my game.Next week I am planning to work on the obstacles and the keys that my player would be collecting along the game.Overall I'm really happy with what I've made so far and I'm looking forward to continue working on my game until my game is going to be fun and enjoyable for the player.


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